Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The end of project open night

The Open Night on Monday 2nd May was attended by over 60 people and was the culmination of over six months of research work into the history of the houses and past occupants in the villages of Helmsdale and Portgower and surrounding areas. The participants worked right up to the last minutes to produce a wonderful display including 10 street albums, hundreds of archival photos, the 1911 census and colourful pictures from local school children.

Members of the public enjoying looking through the street albums on display in Timespan

The albums are a must for family historians researching ancestors in the area and are available to consult in the Timespan Public Archive.  A big thank you goes out to to all the participants who put the display together and to everyone who contributed photos and information - this was truly a community affair. The research will continue as there are many areas we didn't have the time to cover - if you are interested in helping with this research please get in touch.

There was a lot of chat and reminiscing on the open night!