Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Research work begins in earnest!

The project has got off to a great start with volunteers Brian Adams and Frank McCulloch  typing out the 1841 and 1851 census returns for Kildonan and Loth Parishes.  The information will be inputted into searchable databases which will make it much easier to extract the 'street by street' information for our albums. 

The 1841 census is considered to be the first modern UK census.  It records the place where a person was staying at the time the census was taken,  the name, the age (rounded up to nearest 5 years), the occupation and if a person was born in the Parish, usually recorded as a yes or no.  It does not record the relationship between family members of a household and for Kildonan and Loth there are no house numbers or names.

Brian has typed out 2434 entries to date - well done!

He has found out that there were 201 people staying in Dunrobin Street in 1841 in 27 houses.  The occupations inlcuded merchants, coopers, fish curers, a tailor, a mail driver, shoemakers etc.

More information about the 1851 census to follow shortly!

If you have any information about the buildings and past inhabitants in Dunrobin Street please get in touch - we would love to hear from you!

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